The answer is yes, no, and maybe, depending on which research and evidence you accept as valid. This controversy has existed ever since silver/mercury fillings (professionally called “amalgams”) were introduced in the 1820’s. The issue is not if mercury is toxic, but whether the mercury in amalgams escapes and contributes to or causes illness.
The American Dental Association and the majority of dentists believe that amalgams are safe. A minority of researchers and dentists believe that amalgams are an unrecognized serious health risk. The following information is presented solely to summarize both sides of the issue, so you can better discuss the issue with your health care providers.
Amalgam is SAFE Viewpoint
Amalgam is the least costly and quickest way to restore teeth. Hundreds of thousands of amalgams are placed daily, and if there were a significant problem, it would be of epidemic proportions. When mercury is mixed with the other components that make up the filling, stable compounds are formed and only trace amounts of metallic mercury remain. There is no convincing evidence that mercury vapor from that minuscule amount of mercury has any effect on humans. More significant sources of mercury exposure are food, water, and air. Everyone is exposed to mercury from these sources.
Studies done on people with amalgam fillings showed no correlation between the fillings and complaints such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, nervousness, depression, or joint pain. Another study found no elevated mercury in the blood and urine samples of patients over a 1 - year period. The group most likely to suffer from mercury toxicity would be dentists and their assistants, who are regularly exposed to mercury vapor. Yet data shows that dentists are in as good or better health than the general population. Testimonials by patients of being cured of disease upon removal of amalgam were not balanced with accounts of patients who did not get better.
If the mercury released from fillings builds up in body tissues and reaches toxic levels over time, then overnight cures should not be possible. The unjustified removal of amalgams is an unnecessary risk. Sound tooth structure is frequently removed, increasing the potential for other complications. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has found no evidence that amalgam fillings are related to MS and does not endorse the removal of amalgams as a treatment. Don’t let sensational television shows or fear be the reason for getting your amalgams removed. Keep things in perspective.
Amalgam is UNSAFE Viewpoint
Mercury toxicity “experts” not only believe that amalgams should not be used, but also if existing amalgams are to be removed for toxicity reasons, it must be done in a specific manner to enable the body to successfully eliminate the stored mercury in the tissues. Just removing amalgams is not recommended!
One protocol involves body chemistry analysis and biocompatibility testing from blood, hair, and urine samples; vitamin and mineral supplements; removal of amalgams in a particular sequence determined through measurement of the electric current generated by each amalgam; intravenous chelation therapy; and nutritional and lifestyle counseling. Other protocols may utilize electrodermal testing, homeopathy, and other non-traditional therapies. Some of these therapies are considered experimental.
Furthermore, the controversy includes crowns, dentures, root canals, and old extraction sites (called cavitations). As you can see, dental treatment is only part of the overall therapy. It is argued that there are varying degrees of success with these therapies, but this is true of any therapy, traditional or not.
Diseases and symptoms that have responded to one extent or another can be grouped into 6 general categories.
Neurological, such as MS (multiple sclerosis), headaches, sudden depression, and memory loss.
Cardiovascular, such as abnormal blood pressure, fast pulse, and angina (chest pain). Collagen, such as arthritis and lupus erythematosis.
Immunological, such as leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, and mononucleosis.
Allergy, such as multiple allergies.
Miscellaneous, such as chronic fatigue and digestive problems.
Many of these diseases are actually misdiagnosed, and as a result, traditional care is not effective. Keep in mind, diseases are complex and multiple factors are almost always involved, therefore consultation with dentists, physicians, and other health care professionals who are knowledgeable in environmental illness is recommended. More and more research is being done worldwide, and it is only a matter of time before the truth will be known and accepted.